How to Identify a Crazy Girl

Is she just fun and hot? Or is she nuts? Here are the red flags to look out for.

Ours is truly the golden age of the acceptance of mental illness. And maybe it’s for the best: everyone being less ashamed of themselves creates a much more comfortable and open world to live in.

But ours is also the golden age of women being crazy. Various personality disorders of the cluster B variety are the worst offenders here. They include:

  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): This is the big one that you’ve likely already heard of. BPD is marked by instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions, as well as impulsive behaviors and a fear of abandonment. Around 3% to 8% percent of women have BPD, and due to its commonality it will be the focus of this article.

  • Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors, often appearing dramatic or overly seductive. About 3% of women have HPD.

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Involves a disregard for the rights of others, deceitfulness, impulsivity, irritability, aggression, and a lack of remorse. About 0.5% to 1% of women have ASPD – it’s much more common to find it in men.

All of these disorders are characterized by unstable and drama-filled interpersonal relationships. If your romantic partner has one of them, the likelihood increases of that partner: stealing from you, destroying your property, attacking you, or even making false accusations against you that could land you in prison. Less dramatically, dating a crazy girl could simply result in you having emotional turmoil that is hard to overcome well after she’s out of the picture.

It should be made clear that having mental illness or personality disorder does not make someone a bad person on its own. The idea of “crazy” women being dangerous is a generalization, of course, and thus does not apply to all or even most individuals. But sometimes you can draw rational conclusions from generalizations: dating is a numbers game, so it’s good to be armed with the knowledge of averages and tendencies.

So, what are the red flags to look for?

She Says She Has Borderline Personality Disorder

Ignore everything I said before about not generalizing: women with borderline personality disorder are dangerous. This doesn’t mean you can’t make it work, but you should still keep your eyes sharp.

Anway, such women also tend to be very open and upfront due to BPD correlating with high openness and impulsivity – combined with the fact that they tend to identify with having BPD, it’s likely that they will just tell you about their mental health struggles upfront.

Compounding their danger is that these girls are often very hot. She can easily lovebomb you and sweep you up into their whirlwind, making you want to keep coming back for more even though you know she’s bad for you. She will likely be very fun and adventurous, in the bedroom and in general. Oftentimes she will be like this very shortly after meeting you.

She is Immediately Into You For No Apparent Reason

A cute and fun girl is suddenly swooning over you, practically at first sight. Or maybe you haven’t even met yet, and this is just a girl you’ve interacted with online, and she’s already your biggest fan!

Uh oh! You might be getting love bombed!

Love bombing is when someone, often with a cluster B personality disorder, overwhelms you with affection, attention, and admiration right off the bat. It can feel intoxicating, like you’re the center of the universe.

This might seem nice, but it actually sucks! This whirlwind of affection might be yanked away from you – or worse, it could turn into something measurably destructive. The emotional tax will be a heavy one indeed, and the cycle of hot and cold can continue for a while.

If you don’t play your cards right when being love-bombed by a crazy girl, then you’ll at best be pulled into her chaos for a moment and be left a yearning mess.

She Talks About Accusing Men of Sexual Assault

Cluster-B women, again, are open books: they love talking about themselves, including about their flaws (like BPD) and the less glamorous parts of their lives. These less glamorous parts of their lives include accusations of sexual assault against men, some of which might even be true!

Crazy women, especially those of the BPD variety, make shit up a lot. This isn’t them being deceptive or sinister – part of BPD is having trouble with memories and perception due to intense emotional instability. This can lead to the unintentional distortion of memories, so a false past feels very real to them. Needless to say, this is dangerous to you if you date someone like this.

She Demonstrates Impulsive and Risky Behaviors

Did she bring hard drugs to a first date? Does she suggest picking up hard drugs on a first date? You’re dealing with a fucking crazy person! This doesn’t even necessarily mean she’s a drug addict, but that she just has a tendency to engage in intense, risky, and impulsive behaviors.

Other impulsive, BPD-esque behaviors to look for:

  • She wants to jump into sex very quickly, especially in the bathroom or in public
  • She lets you finish in her with zero protection on the first date
  • Seems prone to get into altercations or escalate confrontations on a whim
  • Her drinking seems excessive and crazy
  • She walks around with a flask or bottle of booze in her purse
  • She talks about quitting jobs on a whim or getting fired frequently
  • She has tattoos on her face

You don’t need to be puritanical about any of these behaviors listed – they could just indicate a vivacious woman who loves life rather than someone with mental problems. Use your best judgment.

She Exhibits Intense Jealousy and Possessiveness

Does she get upset when you talk about other women, or even when you casually mention an ex? Erm, red flag alert! Excessive jealousy and possessiveness can indicate deeper issues and can lead to controlling behavior. If she constantly needs to know where you are, who you're with, or becomes irrationally angry about innocent interactions, it’s a sign of potential instability.

She Has a Fluctuating Self-Image

A fluctuating self-image, where she alternates between feeling grandiose and worthless, can be a sign of BPD. Pay attention to how she talks about herself and whether her self-perception seems unstable. This can manifest in drastic changes in her goals, values, and sense of identity. One day she might think she’s the best thing ever, and the next day she could feel completely worthless. This kind of instability is a red flag for underlying mental health issues.


None of the advice listed should be taken as an excuse to not give someone a chance, or to be prejudiced against anyone for perceived mental health issues. Having a few of the above characteristics doesn't make anyone dangerous or unworthy of a relationship; it could just be that they are a quirky and outgoing person. And that’s a good thing!

So: use your judgment, be safe, and don’t let your lust take you down the wrong path.

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