Why Your Tinder Date Ghosted

Disappearing acts are frustrating and you want some answers.

You had a great rapport with a girl on Tinder or another dating app. You have shared interests, you have shared chemistry, and you had a plan to meet up. But then when the day came, it happened: the Ghosting Goblin came and wrecked the whole thing. Oh no!

Or perhaps you were Grabbed by the Ghosting Goblin when you tried to schedule a followup to a great first date.

Now you’re left frustrated and in search of answers. But you won’t find any answers from her. So, first of all…

Don’t ask her why she ghosted you.

For whatever reason, women almost always will not know or want to reveal why they ghosted you. You aren’t going to get an answer, and, by looking needy, you’ll destroy the small chance you have to reignite things with this girl in the future.

More than likely, it had nothing to do with you.

Her ex is back in the picture

Relationships are messy. People are messy.

Many women on Tinder are looking to get their mind off someone and survey the field while they are going through an inconclusive not-quite-breakup. This means that the situation can quickly change in a way that nobody anticipates, leaving you very clueless and very annoyed.

But there’s no shaming in losing priority to the guy she’s already been involved with for a while.

She met someone else and it’s going well

People tend to have a one-track mind when it comes to romance. Between the time you matched with a girl and set a date with her, she could have had two or more dates with the same guy. Some girls will have the good heart to tell you they met someone, but women are generally terrified of any level of confrontation or directness, so don’t count on that happening.

You were too eager

As a rule of thumb, you should text a girl minimally before your first date: most texts should just be to arrange the logistics. Keeping it simple prevents you from seeming too eager and maintains an intriguing air of mystery.

If you act like a puppy that just got picked out by a new owner, you’re going to scare girls away. This is because no girl wants the pressure of going on a date with a stranger who is already the president of their fanclub – it's just an uncomfortable prospect with too many expectations. Play it cool, ok?

She thought you were a serial killer

Women are extremely skittish creatures and are afraid for their lives basically all the time. Instead of seeming like a needy dork, may have set off a, “this guy is dangerous” red flag. It’s rare, but it happens.

So, if she asks, “are you a serial killer?”, the correct answer is, “no.” Unless you are, in which case you should be honest.

It’s an irrational “ick”

Women are different from men in many ways, even outside of being prettier. One way is that they’re much more driven by subconscious “ick” responses that have no rational explanation. It’s more common than you think.

But are you still down from being ghosted? Understandable. But there’s a cure for it: getting 10x more matches and 10x more dates. Wingman is the AI system that makes that happen.

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Get your Tinder pics roasted by AI and go from chud to chad.

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